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Historic Interest Rates

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Term Deposit Rates Notice Account Rates

New Customer Interest Rates

Term Deposit Accounts


Term AER (Fixed) Gross Interest Rate (Fixed) Min Deposit Max Deposit Date Issued Withdrawals allowed
1 Year - - £1,000 £85,000 - Not currently available
18 Months - - £1,000 £85,000 - Not currently available
2 Years - - £1,000 £85,000 - Not currently available
30 Months - - £1,000 £85,000 - Not currently available
3 Years - - £1,000 £85,000 - Not currently available
4 Years - - £1,000 £85,000 - Not currently available
5 Years - - £1,000 £85,000 - Not currently available
7 Years - - £1,000 £85,000 - Not currently available

Notice Accounts


Term AER (Fixed) Gross Interest Rate (Variable) Min Deposit Max Deposit Date Issued Withdrawals Allowed
100 day notice - - £1,000 £85,000   Not currently available
180 day notice - - £1,000 £85,000   Not currently available

Please refer to the historic interest rate link at the top of the page to check if your notice account is still open to further deposits.

Existing Customer Interest Rates for Reinvestment Only

Reinvestment Term Deposits


Term AER (Fixed) Gross Interest Rate (Fixed) Min Deposit Max Deposit Date Issued Withdrawals Allowed
1 Year - - £1,000 £250,000 - Not currently available
18 Months - - £1,000 £250,000 - Not currently available
2 Years - - £1,000 £250,000   Not currently available
30 Months - - £1,000 £250,000   Not currently available
3 Years - - £1,000 £250,000   Not currently available
4 Years - - £1,000 £250,000   Not currently available
5 Years - - £1,000 £250,000   Not currently available
7 Years - - £1,000 £250,000 - Not currently available

Reinvestment Notice Accounts

We are not currently offering Reinvestment Notice Accounts.