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Trouble making your payments


PCF Bank Forbearance Assistance Options

Please note the Financial Conduct Authority’s guidance as of the 25th November 2020 in relation to individuals still affected by the Covid19 pandemic has now ended (31/07/21)

We can still provide you with help and can be supported by our Tailored Assistance. However, in order to assist your individual needs we need to understand why you cannot meet your current financial obligations. 

NB: Your credit record must reflect the true repayment history of your agreement and if you are unable to meet your normal contractual payment your agreement will be recorded as in arrears but in a payment arrangement.


PCF Bank Repayment Assistance


If you are, or think you will have trouble making your payments, we will always do our best to assist you, but it is important that you contact us as soon as possible.

In some circumstances we may ask for some more information to make sure that we have a full understanding of your situation before suggesting a way forward. It really helps if you can make sure that you respond quickly to any requests we make.

The best way to contact us is by completing the details below.

Please note we will never ask you to pay more than you can afford and, you can also speak with independent organisations who can provide you with free confidential and impartial advise including:

StepChange Debt Charity –www.stepchange.org or phone 0800 138 1111

The National Debtline – www.nationaldetline.org or phone 0808 808 4000

Money Advice Service – www.moneyadviceservices.org.uk or phone 0800 138 7777

Once completed a response will be provided by either our Customer Services or Collections teams within 48 hours to confirm.

Please note that if your payment is due within the next 7 days any forbearance would not be able to start until your following months payment and while you are adhering to the agreed forbearance plan you will not be charged additional late payment interest.